Strategic Cyber Security Awareness Workshop

You have probably heard an expression that security in any organization is everyone’s responsibility. “Wait, that also means our CEO?” you could ask. Yes, CEO, CFO, and everyone in the management team. The problem is: they may not possess the necessary knowledge.

Do you know a lot of CEOs able to distinguish between Stored and Reflected XSS? They must not; instead, they should delegate the tactical and operational routine to a security function led by a CISO. However, a modern business leader should be aware, at the strategic level, of possible cybersecurity risks, attack vectors, and protection countermeasures for three reasons:

  1. To think rationally and skeptically about the security spendings and investment.
  2. Measure and control the efficiency of their corporate security function.
  3. To be able to protect themselves against highly sophisticated hacking groups.

Sure thing, it is pretty tricky for top managers to understand cybersecurity concepts. They should focus on revenue, profit, and costs instead. That is correct, and we know that very well. We have plenty of experience in advising senior management and facilitating strategic security decisions. And we have decided to open this experience to a broader audience.

Berezha Security announces a special edition of our Security Awareness Training, specifically for the higher-level managers – Strategic Cybersecurity Awareness Training. The syllabus focuses on the strategic understanding of modern threats, the mechanics of cyberattacks, and the business value of cybersecurity.

It gives a practical framework for navigating the cybersecurity industry and market in the era of global digitalization. It offers strategic decision-makers the means to make strategic decisions without the burden of technical details. One might say, “But the Devil is always in the details!” That is true, and that is why strategies have none.

The goals of Strategic Cybersecurity Awareness training are to give the top managers meaningful mental models, intuitions, and data sources to do the following:

  • Master and apply personal cybersecurity tools, techniques, and procedures. To stay safe online when you are a high-profile target.
  • Define and supervise a data-driven cybersecurity strategy. Make security decisions without fear, uncertainty, or doubt.
  • Get familiar with cybersecurity economics. Estimate and optimize security investment, and measure its efficiency.

Sure thing, the workshop is not limited to strategic leaders only. Virtually anyone can take part in the training and benefit from it. For instance, a progressive CISO could use our classes as a way to bring their colleagues up to date with the threat landscape. Worrying about the cyber threats of your business alone when everyone else is simply unaware of the jungle out there is merely counterproductive.

Another way to apply the strategic cybersecurity workshop would be to raise top managers’ awareness about the need for efficient cybersecurity investment. Security is rarely a benefits center; it usually spends money and then asks for more. So why not change that perception of a cybersecurity department in the company and bring up the topics of prevented losses and optimal cybersecurity investment?

Please stay tuned for open groups training dates or reach out to us to request corporate training for your management team.

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